What do you guys think of a competition for the team at the end of the year with:
1. The longest fish in inches.
2. The heaviest fish.
3. The cumulative length of fish in inches.
4. The cumulative weight of fish.
5. Longest fishing expedition resulting in a catch. ie. "I sat by that water for 7 hours before I reeled in a large mouth bass.", "oh yeah? I got to the lake at 9pm and didn't eat or piss until I caught a salmon at 8am"
6. Longest fight with a fish resulting in a catch.
7. Best fish story.
8. Best Dressed - you know that the worse you look, the better you are when it comes to fishing. (imagine a pink 1989 women's volleball champions hat, with a sweatshirt from highschool and some green sweatpants.)
I propose that for the quantifiable metrics that everything be captured in pictures on a blog. No proof through pictures on the blog, then it can't count for your team.
For the things we can't quantify.... just blog and we'll see how it goes...
also... I propose that another rule we should have is that we can't get any professional help... ie... we can't charter a boat who baits the hook and the captain takes you to where the fish are..... and all you do is reel it in.... that's a little weak.... it has to be your rig with a hook you baited, you have to fight with the fish and reel it in yourself... I guess if it's big enough.... another member of your team can help you..... what do you guys think? should another person be able to help you land a huge fish?... I'm thinking yes... but I don't know.... anyways..... all I wanna do is catch huge fish right now
for the house against the fisher kings.